GMT Webinar Series

Investing in Real Estate – Hit the wall? How to buy 5+ properties

aUG 4 | 7PM

Are you a seasoned real estate investor that’s stuck on the 5-house hump?

Do you want to turn your real estate portfolio into a real estate empire?


Kyle Green, owner of G.M.T., shares his proven roadmap on how you can successfully finance houses 6 through 10.

At this webinar, you'll learn:

  1.  Why some banks get scared at the 5-house hump and others don’t
  2. How commercial lending or J.V.’s could be your answer to not qualifying
  3. Why properly structuring your initial lenders is so critically important
  4. When incorporating really is the smartest move you should make  

Register below to watch the recording of this exclusive webinar.



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