Discover How You Can Live a Better Retirement with Reverse Mortgages

Saving enough for your retirement in Canada can be a challenge. As the average life expectancy continues to rise, retirement savings are being stretched further over many more years.
Today, many Canadians just like you, are looking for ways to supplement their income as they enjoy their golden years. All too often, retirees are not fully aware of all their financial options and consider downsizing their home and leaving the community that they love in order to make ends meet.
Fortunately, there is a way you can acquire the money you need without having to move or sell your home. I’d like to introduce you to the Reverse Mortgage. A Reverse Mortgage allows you to access up to 55% of the equity in your home as tax-free money. Not only are you able to retain ownership, but there are no monthly payments for as long as you live in the home.
So, whether you’re looking to alleviate debt, increase your monthly cash flow, help out family members, or even take that dream vacation – a Reverse Mortgage can be the option you’ve been looking for.
If you would like to learn more about how a Reverse Mortgage can benefit you, please contact me and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with more information so you can make the right choice.
Call us today at (604) 256-0835 or take the Reverse Mortgage Assessment below!